Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Time to go Romantic...

First I did pass my sugar test. I am a little slow digesting sugar but I do not have gestational diabetes. Went to the doctor and he says everything looks great.

Second I guess I am going through the nesting phase because my living room is rearranged, my DVD's are alphabatized, and my kids have a new bedroom set. The boys now have a bunk bed and what use to be Trace's crib is now deemed as Baby Andrew's crib. I do have to say Thank you because I forgot to on Saturday to my Dad, my Mom, RC, AC and Trace. You all gave up your Saturday to help redo the boys room and take the other stuff (the couch, and a few mattresses) to the dumpster. And for anyone who doubts it the boys had their tools and they carried the cushions so yes they did help.

Third and the one I really want everyone to respond to is.....

Valentine's Day will be here next week so I thought I would go all romantic.

I was talking with my momma about my favorite date that I remember (since I got to actually go on one last Saturday) and the one I remember the smell, taste, and mood of most prominatly is one that happened while RC and I were dating.

We had been dating for 4 or 5 months and I got a phone call from RC saying to meet him at his house and we would go out from there. When I knocked on the door he answered the door holding a dozen red roses and was all dressed up. (Ladies I have to tell you I have an amazingly handsome husband and when he dresses up WOW!!! Knock my socks off!!) He invited me in and then took me to the dining room where he had set the table, with candles and a radio. I was very curious by now but he told me to just sit down and enjoy the evening. He cooked me dinner, and yes I do remember what he cooked, Mojo chicken and potatoes, and corn. It was absolutely delicious. After dinner the radio still had not been explained until he turned it on and asked me to dance. See to go back a minute I had mentioned earlier that I enjoyed dancing and he had told me that he doesn't dance. So for him to ask me to dance was very special. He played Eric Claptons "Wonderful Tonight" which is what we danced to at our wedding. And we danced right there in the dining room. I had no idea that he had even planned anything usually he would pick me up and then we would decide what to do. But that evening he had planned everything and that was the most amazing thing in the world.

Okay for the record we have had many more wonderful dates but this is the one that I will gladly tell my grandchildren about to show them what it means to actually put previous thought into a gift that doesn't have to be expensive. I want to instill into my children that the cost of the gift doesn't mean anything if there is no thought put into it, and if there is thought put into it then the cost most certainly doesn't matter.

Now its your turn. What is your Favorite Date??? Which one do you remember most? It is time to go all romantic even if you are a guy. So please respond!!!