Friday, June 09, 2006

"T" is my letter.

Okay for those of you who read my Mom's blog her friend assigned her the letter "L", and she had to come up with 10 things describing her that starts with the letter "L". Oh and for those who don't read my Mom's you should its good reading and the link is on my page.

Well anyways she challenged us to comment to her and she would give us a letter. Well blogger was having issues so I just told her I wanted to do it and she assigned me the letter "T". So here are 10 things describing me that starts with the letter "T".

"Tired" - I think this would be the most obvious because I do have 3 boys ages 4, 2 1/2, and 2 1/2 months. So yes tired is a very good description of me right now:)

"Texan" - And dang proud of it. For those who don't know I was born and raised most of my life in the Great State of TEXAS. My boys know and take ownership of the Texas flag because that is apart of their lives.

"Talkative" - I have always been very talkative (no wise cracks RC, Mom, Dad, Nyki, Shawn or anyone else). I am even more talkative now when I am actually with adults, because I crave adult conversation. I love being home with the boys, but there is only so much little boy talk you can take without going absolutely crazy!!!!

"Trustworthy"- I participated in this survey called Johari Window, Well one of the things my friends and family called me was trustworthy. So I guess I can put this on here because they said it.

"Tense" - My hubby put this on the Johari Window thing and he would know. I get so concerned with what others, especially my Mom and husband, think that I get extremely tense and apprehensive about certain situations. No I am not saying that they make me that way I do that to myself.

Wow okay now I'm stuck.

"Team player" - Most of the time anyways. I think I go along and help the "Team" whenever I can. I know not always but quite a bit of the time.

"Temperamental" - (RC keep your mouth shut!) I am now admitting not that I need to because most of you know this, but I am now admitting that I Brittney have a short temper from time to time!

"Tenderhearted" - When someone else is hurting I hurt too. Especially when it is my family and friends.

"Territorial" - No I am not a dog, but I do get very territorial. Don't mess with my friends and family. This is especially true when it comes to my husband. I have major issues with the female servers who feel they must touch my husband. He is mine mine mine keep your hands off if you want to still get your tip. Okay sorry went on a little rampage there:)

"Thankful" - God has given me so many blessings. I have an absolutely gorgeous husband. 3 beautiful little boys. Loving family that I was raised in. A roof over my head and food in my stomach. I am truely thankful that I am who I am and know who I know. I love you all.

Okay that was harder than I thought it would be. Okay I will challenge all of you now. Even if you don't have a blog, you can do this via email. So comment and I will give you a letter. It's really cool to see how you can do this.


Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Courtney S. received the letter B.

OMH said...

Well put! You forgot TERRIFIC! You are one Terrific mommy and daughter (can't speak for RC but I think your purdy good as a wife also!)

The Skogens said...

okay now I have to wonder if I can do it. Letter me sis

Anonymous said...

You forgot to put trimming gurl! Yu look way good after having a baby! I luv ya!