Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Why We Have Free Will!

Many of you have seen Veggie Tales. Well in their latest creations they have come out with
A Snoodle Tale A lesson in ... Self Worth. In this movie the young snoodle asks, "If you made the land then can't you make the Snoodles obey your comand." God's reply is, "A gift that is demanded is no gift at all."

We have all wondered why God gives us the right to make our own choices and well here it is. A gift that is demanded is no gift at all!


OMH said...

Excellent reminder!

Tasha said...

Very good point. I dunno if this has anything to do with that, but my whole out look lately is something good can come from the negative. Lately that has been happening a lot lately. Hmm....Is God trying to teach me a lesson?