Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Exhausted....

Little Ms. Brittney had a house
eee iii eee iii oooo
And in that house she had sick kids
eee iii eee iii ooo
With a sick kid here...
and a sick kid there...
here a sick kid
there a sick kid
Everywhere a sick kid
Little Ms. Brittney had a house
eee iii eee iii oooooo

Okay so here is the story. Last weekend my husband participated in The Joy FM bike ride for the homeless. Riding their bicycles from Brooksville to Sarasota (129 miles) to raise money for the homeless ministries in the area. The ride was organized by the lady who does the bike ride across Florida that RC participates in, so she called RC and asked him to be one of the leaders. So Friday and Saturday he spent on his bicycle. I am so proud of him and doesn't he look good *wink *wink* Yes I know that is why we have 4 kids 8-)

Well Mom and I took the kids to Ellenton Outlet Mall on Saturday to kill time until we met RC at the finish line. He ended up call 2 hours prior to the planned meeting time to tell us he was a few miles from the finish line so luckily being at Ellenton we were half way there. We were able to watch him cross the finish line. Then a couple of hours later their was an award ceremony. He got a medal and they thanked him for being so helpful. He was the go to guy when someone got hurt. Which the morning DJ Carmen ended up needing RC's help more than once. Lets just say she learned the importance of the helmet. She fell while going over the railroad tracks, cracked her helmet and got a mild concussion. Of course my "wonderful" husband (I felt like if I heard another great description of my husband I was going to puke! Don't get me wrong he's great but come on enough is enough) came to her rescue. I plan on posting more pictures of the bike ride later or you can go check some out here. Just click on the bike ride for the homeless. Okay anyways back to the post....

On the way home Trace started complaining about a headache. When we got home we took his temp and it was 102.9. The next morning he was once again running fever so he and Grandma stayed home from church. AC kept telling us he wanted to stay home too because he wanted to watch tv. We told him no. Then on the way home from church, he started complaining about a headache. We took his temp and it was 102.3. Okay great the older two are sick so it just a matter of time before the younger two are sick. Well anyhow on Sunday night my Mom and I took the older two to the After Hour Pediatrics because they were still running fever and their throat had the puss pockets and were really red. We were afraid it was strep throat. Luckily it wasn't just a virus. (Correction - Just got a call from the Doctors office - Trace did have strep throat. Luckily the antibiotics they gave him for his cough will also work for strep. So he has already been being treated, we just didn't know it yet.) The next day their pediatrician put them on antibiotics for their cough. Well then Tuesday night (yeah you probably guessed it) Andrew and Kailey started running fever. I took them to the doctor Wednesday and was told that Andrew had a double ear infection and Kailey had a single ear infection. Great so now all 4 of them are on antibiotics. They don't sleep very well and they are extremely whiney. Oh and on top of all this RC has a sinus infection which causes him to snore. So when I finally get all 4 kids down, I lay down and there is RC sawing logs. My poor babies, RC included. I really hope I don't get sick because that would not be a good thing. So far Mom and I have steered clear of this round of sickness.

On another note I will give you females a little tid bit that I learned. Let me first preface this with the fact that I know I was wrong and I have apologized to RC for it....

RC comes in on Valentines Day and hands me this plastic container with hearts all over it and tells me "Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday!" I look at him then the container then him again and say "In this kind of container." (Yes you can picture the look of your kidding right) He informs me not to judge the present until I open it. Well I opened it and buried in the midst of a bunch of yummy chocolates is my brand new digital camera. Thats right he got me a digital camera. I squeeled and laughed and smiled and kissed him because I really wanted a camera. I also really apologized! So here is the lesson girls... Don't judge the present by the package. You may be really surprised. Oh and if you do keep your mouth shut!!!!!

So I have already completely filled up my memory chip and internal memory on my camera. So I will be posting lots more pictures. Here are just a few I've taken....

Miss Movie Star

No Autograph's Please

Daddy Daddy Daddy I missed you!!!

My Gang!

Trace- "Why are you taking my picture?"

AC - "All I want for christmas is my 4 front teeth..."

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