Sunday, June 07, 2009

200th Post

Wow I can not believe that this is my 200th post. Most people have little giveaways for such a thing but sorry I don't. I do have an update with whats going on in our lives...

RC is doing awesome. He is playing guitar at our church Lifepointe Fellowship. He loves getting to help lead worship. He is more determined than ever to get in shape. He is so strict on his stuff that it makes me want to rebel on mine. Yes he is still totally into bicycling! I think somedays its the only thing that keeps him sane!

AC has now officially graduated from 1st grade into 2nd. He loves school and is still at the stage that he doesn't look forward to summer. We are going to keep him busy by having a learning time everyday. We will take 2 hours out of everyday to have some reading, math, writing and computer time. He can't wait to get to the library and get some books to read.

Trace is so excited. He asks me every morning if today is the day he gets to start kindergarden. I tell him no and he is so disappointed. He loves to sound things out and LOVES to write!!! We will be working really hard on his reading and writing this summer. He will be doing the same things as AC.

Andrew is so excited about his latest accomplishments. He is wearing big boy underware. Thats right we are potty training. He would be interested for a day and then not. Take a trip and he wanted to go everytime the big boys went. A few weeks ago we made a chart gave him goals and he has completely embraced it!!! We are still working on the harder parts but he is doing so awesome!!! His goal now is to earn a guitar!!!

Kailey is well Kailey! She is my rough and tumble little Miss Priss! I know some of you are looking at this and thinking how can she be both because you normally get one or the other well my daughter has figured out how to be both! She is the one that if her brothers take a toy away I have to pull her off of them because she has tackled them and his letting them know she doesn't appreciate the fact that they took her toy away. She is also the one who LOVES LOVES LOVES to shoe shop! Yes at 18 months old my daughter has found a deep love for shoes. She picks them out and will let you know if she likes them. She is also the one who picks out her own clothes. I have always belived in giving my kids options but good grief this little girl. If she doesn't like what you put on her she WILL take it off and tell you NO. She then goes to her closet and tells you "Dat Dress". She is like I said my rough and tumble little Miss Priss!

Now for myself...

The bible study I mentioned a few posts before is really going great. We are now moving to meet every Wednesday instead of every other. We are starting a new study called "The Power of a Woman's Words" I am really excited about this! We have counted we are going to have somewhere between 10-15 women meeting.

I am praying about starting a bible study for working women as well. I know there is a really big need for this and I feel God leading me to start it. I do ask for your prayer on this because I do not have all the logistics down but I know that I don't have too because GOD is in control.

I am really enjoying selling my Premier jewelry! I love that I have finally figured out that I can be me Brittney! Now don't get me wrong, I love being mom and I love being wife but somedays I just need to know that I am more than that! With selling the jewelry I go and I am me Brittney the jewelry lady.

I am finally figuring out that I can wear all these different hats and know that even when I feel like the world is slipping out from under me that all I have to do is cry out because my heavenly Father is waiting there to catch me. Yes as you can see I have been really struggling with this. I feel God calling me to do more but satan whispers in my ear you have your hands full. I mean I do have my hands full. I have 4 beautiful children to raise, I have a husband that I need to be the best wife for, I have a bible study full of ladies that I took on the role of leadership and that means a lot, I have my business to build.... I think you get the point. But I realized in all of these things I can do NOTHING without God! I am who he made me to be and who am I to not desire with all my heart to do more for his purpose! Now my prayer is that I will listen to God to know what HE has planned for my life, if it is to take on more, if it is to let things go, or if it is to stay where I am right now for the time being. I don't know all of God's plans but I do know that he loves me and he wants me to be the Best he created me to be!!!

This post started out as a just an update but God really wanted me to share this because now it allows me to come back and read it! It serves if nothing more as a reminder to me that GOD is in Control!!!

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