Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Been awhile....

Wow its been forever! So here whats going on here....

AC is going to be 8 next month! I am really struggling with the fact that I will have an 8 year old! He is great in school :) He absolutely loves to read and is such a sweetheart! We have had issues with his asthma more especially with this cold weather but he is amazing!

Trace is rocking kindergarten! He is embracing all of his subjects! His teacher is amazing! He loves reading just like his brother and loves P.E. He still is my sweet snuggle bug!

Andrew is a Wii-aholic. You think I am joking, no my little man who will be 4 next month is addicted to the Wii. Just ask Grandpa he can kick your butt in bowling (at times, he sure beats me), sword fighting, table tennis and many others. He plays everyday. Yes I do limit it to about a hour a day but he LOVES the Wii.

The boys got an awesome electronic basketball game that is now in their room. They love it. We did get rid of Andrews bed and he is now sharing with Trace. RC loves the basketball game just as much!

Kailey my rough and tumble little princess is well exactly that! She can be little Miss Priss wearing her tutu, tiara, and princess shoes. Then you will find her right on top of her brothers wrestling with them still in her outfit :) We just redid her room, she has a little kitchen, table, little crib for her baby dolls (which I counted and she already has 12 baby dolls LOL I guess you can never have too many), and my big girl is sleeping in the big bed in her room. She is also potty training! Woo hoo we will be getting rid of the diaper pail very soon!!!!!!!!

RC is doing incredible! He turned 30 last month. Still working out like crazy. He runs 6 miles 5 days a week, taking a rest day on Wednesday and Sunday (that's only until he gets his bike fixed then Wednesday will become a workout day too! He will alternate running and biking.) He also does weight lifting and core workouts each day before he runs. He is looking incredible! I can say this wife is really enjoying the benefits of an obsessed husband :) Work is going well. He loves working from home. Moving here he has discovered a new passion in cooking. He loves to experiment with different recipes and create new ones. He is really good at it too! I love it most days. The only thing I get frustrated with is I have discovered that I like to cook but he hogs the kitchen. Oh well he is better at it then I am so he can do it :)

Me: I just turned 28 on Tuesday. I am doing really well. I celebrated my 1 year anniversary as a Premier Designs jeweler. Its amazing! I enjoy getting to serve my hostesses and helping other ladies discover the joys of putting on a piece of jewelry and just watching it transform their self-esteem. I know that's what this has done for me. I have started seriously looking to lose weight. Since the beginning of the year I have lost 8lbs. I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal but I am taking the steps. This week I started a new diet and workout regime and I feel great! I am a little sore but I really have seen a difference in just a week! Still very active in my bible study! Loving it! We are doing a Beth Moore bible study, Believing God, and it is really one of those intense studies! I love life right now! Even with the ups and downs God is there taking care of me and my family!

God is so Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brittney, I just wanted U to know that someone out there still reads your blogs, and cares about you!!!
Happy that you're taking care of yourself---I know sometimes we wives/moms take care of everybody else first, and what is left for self-care at the end of the day?!!!
You have a simple Childlike faith that is so amazing; I have always recognized this in you. Keep running strong in Christ, Brittney. This is the race that counts!!!
Love ya, girl,
Auntie M (Marilyn)