Friday, May 12, 2006

I am thankful....

Okay, let me say God has a sense of humor. I don't know how any mother who does not have Christ on their side survives motherhood. Let me back up a little ways, you all know that in February my middle son ended up with stitches in his head, 2 weeks later I broke my ankle, 2 weeks later my oldest son ended up with stitches and the next day I delivered my youngest. Well God was sufficient and got me through all of that.

Then what am I writing about? I am writing about the fact that we as mothers deliver the child and then are expected to anticipate the childs personality (especially if it is your 3rd). We are expected to know how to soothe our child and be able to take care of their every need. We are to function on anywhere from no to very little sleep and be able to have patience with our children. Then we are also suppose to be emotionally, physically and every other way available to our husbands who still need our love, respect and support because they are just big boys. We are too juggle home life with our other responsibilities. We have to still get out of bed and care for our little ones even if we are sick. On top of all of this our hormones are still so out of wack that you can burst into tears at the drop of a hat (or deal with it in whatever way you deal I cry so that is why I say that).

No I am not writing all of this as a total gripe fest I have a couple of points....

1) Gods grace is sufficient. Only he can get a mom through all of this without them quitting or being sent to the looney ben. I do not know how any one can get through all of this without him there to get you through.

2) I have an amazing husband. I have always known RC was wonderful but I have seen a side of him since I got hurt that I had never seen before. Last night my youngest decided that he needed to be awake from 2:30 to 5:30. I was at my wits end and in walks RC even though he has to work the next day. On other occasions he sends me to bed at 9 and puts the baby to bed when he goes to bed. That way I get a little extra sleep. He is just amazing.

3) The biggest thing that has been revealed to me a little more through each birth of my children is I am so lucky to have parents like mine, but especially a mom like my mom. She is my source of advice. Growing up I didn't appreciate her the way I should have. She is now one of the smartest woman I know. I call her and she always has a few ways to try to help me with my problems. She has a heart of gold and I know my siblings agree. She always was the mom that all our friends loved. Shoot she just went to the wedding of my brothers buddy, even though my brother wasn't able to attend. She always tried to fix the hurt whether it was ours or our friends (both physical and emotional). She takes on our problems as if they were her own. I am very lucky to have a mom like mine and I don't tell her often enough how greatful I am that God gave her to me. I believe not because I am a mom, but because I know what my mom did and does in my life that we should appreciate them more than just one day a year.

So saying all of this back to God's sense of humor. He took me through all this just to realize I am a lucky lucky woman. It took struggle after struggle to make me see that I have a heavenly father that loves me no matter what, I have an earthly father that loves me with enough discipline to make me the woman I am today, I have in-laws (I am counting all in-laws) that truely care about me, I have siblings that as time goes along our friendships truely have grown, I have children that even on their worst behavior I still have a love for them that radiates and keeps me from sending them to the moon, I have church family that helps me any time I need and I have a husband that looks at me and even when I haven't had enough sleep and am yelling and screaming is still so in love with me and remembers why he married me in the first place.

I thank you all for being a part of my life and I challenge you to stop even if things are as hectic as can be and look at what you have to be thankful for. It is a real eye opener and puts your crazy life into perspective.


Tasha said...

Wow! Awesome post!

The Skogens said...

hey you said it before I could. But you said it all right. I love you sis, MOM is the best.

OMH said...

Time out for you young lady! I'm crying now! I love you and you are a GREAT mom - wife - daughter and friend (and I'm lucky to have you as the last two!)