Saturday, May 27, 2006

Time Changes things and people too...

First let me start with didn't my sister in law do a wonderful job on my new blog background. I love it:) Thank you Tasha.

Now I have to say isn't it funny how time changes you. Okay let me explain. When RC and I met he tolerated my listening to country music. He didn't really like me wearing my cowboy boots. He said he would never wear boots, cowboy hats, or a belt buckle. Those were just not his thing. Well I have to tell you he now listens to country music all the time. He bought a belt with a belt buckle a few weeks ago. Today he and I both bought straw cowboy hats. He even told me that if I bought him boots he would wear them. See all you Texans this little Texas cowgirl finally rubbed off on him. I just had to take it nice and slow and new he would eventually come around. He thinks I look really good as his little cowgirl. Man has time changed him. I told him that and laughed and he told me to shut up and then laughed too. Well I just thought you guys might get a kick out of that, for those of you who know my husband. Anyways I promise to take pics and get them on the blog.

Oh by the way he looks really hot in his cowboy hat and tight jeans!! ;)


Tasha said...

Glad you like it, and about RC I'll believe it when I see the pictures.....

The Skogens said...

See his inlaws aren't crazy it looks good huh