Thursday, August 17, 2006

hmmmmmm..... Can I actually put together a thought that makes since???????????

Okay lets see whats been going on..... hmmm..... how to put it into words..... wow all thats going through this moms head is....... oh never mind can't even put those thought into something that makes since. So I will apologize now if this twists and turns.

RC and I are training to ride from Ormand Beach on the east coast of Florida and heading west on some of Florida's most beautiful, scenic, and safe back roads. We will complete the ride on the west coast at the Gulf of Mexico, in Tarpon Springs. The total mileage is approximately 200 miles, spread out over one full day and two half days of riding. I am really excited and scared all at the same time. RC participated in this last year but this is my first time. It will be the last weekend in October so I ask you please pray for us. Pray during the ride but also leading up to the ride. I have actually surprised RC because until the 22nd of July, I had not been on the bike since August of last year, and I am actually doing pretty good.

AC will start preschool this year. Some of you know that I got to teach in a program called Little Wranglers when I was a junior and senior in High School. Well he will be a Little Wrangler. It is really exciting because I know the program and trust what is being taught there. He is really excited, almost too excited. He seems to be getting a little big for his britches. He doesn't have to do things because he is going to preschool kind of things.

Trace is well just like my younger brother. Which is really funny because AC spent more time with him than Trace did. Well any ways some examples are.... he will eat just about anything, he is always hungry, he says things that well I remember my brother saying almost word for word and oh yeah he looks a lot like him too.

Andrew has been sick. A couple of weeks ago he had a fever spike to 103.5 and so they ran a lot of tests. Well after much confusion the tests came back with nothing serious. They said he just had a stomach virus. Well he started coughing on Friday and had a stuffy nose and a low grade fever. You could tell he didn't feel good because Mr. Daddy's boy himself would hardly let his Daddy hold him. He wanted MOMMY! I capitalize that because he let you know quite loudly that he wanted me. Well yesterday at 6:00 am his fever spike to 103 and his cough had worstened quite a bit so I took him to the doctor. They listened to his lungs and they are clear so they put him on antibiotics and sent him home. Well on top of all this he is teething and not sleeping well. The past month a good night is him only waking up 3 times a night but the last week has been a minimum of 8 times. Last night though he actually slept until 5:30 am, I fed him and put him back to bed and he slept until 9 (unfortunately the older boys woke up a 7:30am), but I have to say Thank you God. (I had a friend pray with me last night that I would actually get some sleep.)

Wow I can't believe I was able to put that much into readable thoughts. Or atleast I hope they are readable. That is pretty much whats going on here.

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