Monday, September 24, 2007

Entered a New Giveaway!

Hey all, I know I owe an update but I couldn't pass this awesome giveaway up. My mom has all these links on the side of her blog and one of them is Drea's. Well the latest give away she has is these adorable little onsies by SATees!

The word that I liked and think describes all of my little ones, but especially my newest addition is extemporaneous (made without much preparation)! We all know my kids were made without preparation so isn't this just perfect.

I hope I win, but if I don't I will still keep going back to the SATees website just to expand my vocabulary. I will also continue to return to Drea's Reviews because she just has a way of putting things and I love that she gets to try all these cool things!

To get in on all sorts of cool giveaways keep checking back with


Tasha said...

I was wondering which one you would pick but that extemporaneous is perfect! Love you! Have fun painting this week but be carefull!

mAsOn & tErrI's mOm said...

Yay you signed up! Good luck!

You should add the button to your sidebar!!

Tasha said...

how about a new posting.........