Friday, September 07, 2007


Lets see.... We'll break it down by person to let everyone know what's going on.

RC - He has taken on more work. But he is really excited about this work. He has been working for a realistate auction place, doing their signs and such, but last week was asked to come and help at an actual auction. He went and they have offered to make it more permanent. Also this gives us the hook up, when God decides its time for us to get a home. Last night he worked an auction that a $400,000 house went for $240,000. No we are not going to jump in over our heads but we are seriously praying about God's will in our housing situation right now.

Me - Well I have been fighting off the tale end of the junk the kiddos had. The fun part for me is that fluid has built up in my left ear, and I have lost hearing in my ear since Tuesday. I am on antibiotics and trying to deal with 3 little boys who are really trying to understand that Mommy just can't hear quite as well and so they have to be a little patient with her. I am trying to stay positive with the overwhelmingness of everything. God has really been good in showing me he is in control.

AC - has been in school for 11 days and is doing awesome! He really enjoys everything except the getting up early part. He grumbles a little about that but when I remind him he has to go to school he stretches and gets the day started. I can't believe just how much he has already learned. He comes home telling us something new everyday. I think he really enjoyed yesterdays lesson about germs. He was being quite silly telling Grandma and I about them.

Trace - He has decided he wants a pirates birthday party. I'm not sure he fully understands that his birthday is the end of this month. Things have been so crazy with everything that we (and I admit this knowing that its mostly me) haven't really played it up. He is also rebelling a bit, with AC starting school and our focusing on Andrew's walking, he's felt a bit left out. (I have to really thank Mom for this observation, because I couldn't quite nail down what brought on the sudden need to rebel, but when Mom pointed this out, that old saying Bad attention is better than no attention came to mind.) I ask that you all pray that I am able to remember this and when he starts in I can redirect the attention to good attention not bad attention. I really have been down on myself because I feel like all I do is yell at this poor guy, and well that's true. I have been so focused on other stuff and I just have to do better. I am excited for him to start preschool the beginning of October because then he will have something to share that is just his!

Andrew - Well I kept hanging on to the hope and sure enough it paid off. He started walking this week. Actually he started walking on Sept. 4 (Shawn and Tasha's 3 year anniversary and the day after Shawn sprained his ankle.) I called Uncle Shawn and told him that his nephew decided to give him an anniversary present and that he decided that since Uncle Shawn obviously couldn't walk right that he would show him how. For some reason I don't think Uncle Shawn found it all that funny.

Kailey Ashlyn - Well I think that she may turn out to be Kailey Ashlyn the entire name. That is what her big brothers call her. They even correct me if I shorten it to just Kailey. We still have some time to figure it out. All is well with her. My blood pressure was great Wednesday. My only concern and the doctor didn't seem concerned about it is that I have lost weight in the last 3 weeks. My next doctors appointment is Sept. 26th so we'll see what happens. Her favorite past time is kicking her big brothers so this may be interesting.

Here are some pics of me taken August 23rd....


OMH said...

HEHEHE I saw your belly....(Please read in the sing song voice I typed it in :) )

By the way reread Kailey's paragraph I think you left something out. It read funny. (funny - Stange no hawhaw)

mAsOn & tErrI's mOm said...

I hope your housing works out too! I know how much strain comes from the financial situations!