Thursday, August 23, 2007

AC's 1st Day of School

AC's 1st Day of School

For those of you who don't know AC's 1st day of school was post poned due to pneumonia. He was really sick. Well the time has come!! My baby is off to his first day of school.

Here he his heading down stairs for his first day of school. He looks so small from this angle and quite frankly I wish he was still that small!

His Daddy laughed about how big his backpack looks on him. My little man is growing up! Wow for the mothers out there you can know how my heart is breaking to see what a big man I have. I came across pictures of him as a baby and think he should still be that small!

Mommy and AC (Yes there are tears in my eyes!

AC getting in the car. He said he was nervous and excited and a little scared all at the same time. He asked me is that normal Mommy? Yes baby thats exactly how Mommy is feeling right now too!

The really cool thing that I found out when I dropped him off is that the 3 days he missed due to the pneumonia doesn't count against him. They counted today as his first day of school!

AC loved his first day of school. When I picked him up the teacher told me he had a super first day! They have a falling star chart that monitors behavior. Everyday the children start with their name high in the sky. The first time they get in trouble they get a verbal warning. The second time they get in trouble they have to move their star down and lose 10 minutes of center time. The third time they have to move their star down another level and lose center time all together. The fourth they move it down to the last level, lose center time and get a note or phone call home. Well I am happy to say the biggest excitment AC talked about today was he didn't have to move his star at all!!! Yeah AC I'm so excited for you! He is excited about going back to school tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Seems like yesterday that his mom started school, man they grow fast!


Anonymous said...

Aww! I am glad he had a super first day! I love the falling star chart!

OMH said...

Grandpa I agree with you it does seem like just yesterday that Mommy was starting her first day of Kindergarten with her little blue dress and hair up in bows.....

I can't believe how fast they grow up! I'm glad his star didn't fall any! I think he will love his brother is another story!