Sunday, January 20, 2008

10 Things I like about you!


1. You are a great friend!
2. You really love my brother!
3. You support my brother through thick and thin!
4. You follow your dreams!
5. You are very creative!
6. You love children!
7. You are strong!
8. You aren’t afraid to stand your ground!
9. You are beautiful!
10. You know the importance of family!

Tasha, I am so thankful you are in my life and especially in my brother’s life. You are an amazing wife and will one day be an amazing mother. Remember who you are and do not change for anyone! My kids are lucky to have an amazingly creative aunt, who is willing to share who she is with them. You will be an awesome teacher. Hold true to your dreams and know that I thank God you are apart of our family! I love you!


1 comment:

Tasha said...

Thank you! I love you!