Friday, January 11, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Our sweet Kailey is growing up way to fast! She will be 2 months a week from today. Well we experienced one of her firsts yesterday, January 10th. (I put the date in for my own purposes.) She has been randomly smiling for a couple of weeks now but yesterday she interactively smiled at her daddy. RC was talking to her and she smiled. He stopped talking to her and she stopped smiling. He started talking to her again and sure enough there was that beautiful smile again. Then when he got home last night she was in her swing and just followed him around the room with those gorgeous big brown eyes. Oh and this morning he walks into the living room and talks to me, she started crying until he came and talked to her, then there was that heart stopping smile. RC is so in trouble because that little Ladybug has her daddy wrapped around her little pinkie and there is nothing her daddy wouldn't do for her!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

HOW SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!