Thursday, January 03, 2008

What's Up for 2008....

Hey all do you like my new background? Thank you so much T.! My sis-in-law did an incredible job didn't she. Okay so all is well here.

We do have a lot planned for 2008.

January - We will be combining houses with my Mom, to save money for the upcoming move this summer. Dad is leaving this month. RC will turn 28 on the 27th.

February - I will turn 26 on the 23rd. Of course we have Valentines Day in there as well.

March - Andrew will turn 2 on the 23rd. AC will turn 6 on the 30th.

April - .... Not real sure whats going on this month, but I am sure something major will considering it is my life.

May - Kailey will turn 6 months and we always have a 1/2 a birthday celebration. Trace will graduate from preschool.

June - AC will graduate from kindergarten.

July - We will be moving to Texas (sometime this summer this is the perspective month). RC's 10 year reunion is also this year and they have something scheduled in SD this month I think.

August - We should be settling in to a new town, new school, new church, new job... you get the picture, new new new....

September - Trace will turn 5 on the 30th. (Oh and I guess I could mention Mom and Dad's anniversary on the 15th and Daddy's birthday on the 22nd.)

October - RC and I will celebrate 7 years of marriage on the 6th. (Mom's birthday is the 25th.) The boys (RC and Dad) hope to come back to FL for the bike across the State they do.

November - Kailey will turn 1 on the 18th. We will have Thanksgiving and etc.....

December - Christmas....

Wow I am exhausted just looking at the upcoming year and its only the 3rd day into it. Well prayer in all of it is to seek God whole-heartily because I know he is the only way we are ever going to survive!

Oh and my New Years Resolution is I am going to try to blog at least once a week. Hopefully I can do it.

What is your New Years Resolutions??? Leave me a comment I would love to hear them. It will be interesting seeing how different they all are.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Where in Texas are you moving? That's exciting!