Monday, March 12, 2012

My life in a nutshell...

Okay so as I was reading my update I realized I posted a little about me but mostly about my hubby and kids. Well this little post is as its titled My life in a nutshell...

I am learning as a wife of someone in the ministry I feel as though I live in a fish bowl. I feel as though I have to have it all together and my kids have to be on their best behavior. Well here's our little secret ... MY LIFE'S A MESS!!! I am overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, my house isn't spotless, my laundry's not done, my nails are chipped, my hairs done only half the time, and make up... HA! Oh and if you want to know the truth.... I AM LOVING IT!!!

So when RC and I decided to surrender to the ministry we also made another life changing decision. We decided it was time for me to go back to school! I started school full time this semester and I am honestly enjoying it! As I pointed out my housework is suffering, I am exhausted the majority of the time, and I am quite overwhelmed! But I have a husband and family that is 100% supportive! The encourage me and can even nag at times. I will do my homework when I get to it! Ha I feel like a teenager!

So my life in a nutshell is Family, school, family, life, family, work, school, school, school, church, and everything in between! So in one word.... BLESSED!!!

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