Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pure Exhaustion...

So my Mother-in-Law came to visit this week. This is the first opportunity she's had since we've moved to Amarillo. Yesterday we took her to see the Cadillac Ranch and took her to do birthday shopping for AC and Andrew.

Today we took her to see the Combine City (been there done that hope to never have to do it again) and then we headed to Palo Duro Canyon. We got there I would say about 2pm and didn't leave until after 9pm. We climbed up to a cave and then up around the cave, then went and played in the water at one of the crossings, then stopped at a rock formation that looked like a tunnel, then headed back to the top to make a phone call, then back down we went. We then hiked the Lighthouse trail (which we ended up going 5.4 out of the 6 miles). When all is said and down we've hiked and climbed around 10 miles today! It was fun but I am definitely tired and sore! I must say I am a little frightened about the fact that my 4 year old little princess would not be out done by her brothers. She climbed everything they did! Which as you can guess is a bit scary for this momma! Oh and we learned not to start hiking the Lighthouse trail after 6pm because it gets very dark while you are out on the trail!

Tomorrow we are headed up to Groom to see the crosses and other statues up there! We are really excited because I have driven by but never stopped!

She then heads home on Thursday! Busy Busy trip but the kids are loving her being here!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! In all my trips to PD Canyon I have never made it all the way to the lighthouse! Hope you enjoy the Crosses a guy from PD that Zane, Steve, Greg, Dad and I went to school with designed and built them. Love you! Mom

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Awesome! I didn't realize that!