Well first things first....
We are no longer in Florida. As of mid June we moved to Texas. We packed up and hit the road on the 17th. Spent the 18th in New Orleans with RC's brother and made it to our new home on the 19th. I am very pleasantly surprised to learn that my 4 kiddos are actually great travelers. We drove split into 2 cars. RC had the older boys in the pick up with him and I had Andrew and Kailey in my van. We had portable dvd players for all 3 of the boys with 38 dvd's packed. We drove only making stops for gas and for meals. Our meals consisted of stopping at rest stops and picnicing. We had packed a cooler full of drinks and sandwich stuff. Then we would let the kids run and play for about 20 to 30 minutes. This really seemed to work out perfectly. We drove to New Orleans that first day and made it there around mid-night. We didn't get to our hotel until after 2 am. RC's brother Nathan lives in New Orleans and RC's mother (who had been traveling) met us there. Nathan showed us around town on Wednesday. We did all the touristy stuff we could stuff into one day. Then around 8pm we took the kids and Ede back to Nathan's where she watched the kids so that Nathan, RC and I could go out and have some adult time. We headed out to Bourbon Street and had lots of fun. We then hit the road the next morning and made to the Dallas area by 5:30 pm, just in time for RC to get ready for a business meeting that night. Nothing like jumping into business head first.
I have really enjoyed being near my family again. My sister who I have lived away from for 10 years lives in this area. We love being able to see each other whenever we want. I actually was able to go to my niece and nephew's birthday party for the first time in their life. I think it is so cool that my kids and her kids will actually grow up getting to know each other. I also love the fact that the weekend of the 4th of July Mom and I decided that we wanted to go to Amarillo. We woke up Thursday morning and just decided we wanted to go. RC and Dad had a little work to do but we hit the road Thursday afternoon. How cool is that!?! We can just decide to go to visit my family for the weekend. Okay just so you guys understand how cool this is I hadn't been to Amarillo in 4 1/2 years. My family in Amarillo hadn't even met Andrew. Anyhow then I decided to stay in Amarillo the week after and drive back to McKinney with my brother and his wife. Monday and Tuesday of that week I spent up at my brothers house. I loved getting some one on one time with my brother. My brother and boys stayed up until 12:30 playing k'nex (to see pictures check out my sis in laws blog.) When we got back into town I was able to go to Winnsboro to see my other grandmother.
After being back home just a couple of weeks, we packed up and headed out of town again. RC, the kids and I drove to Amarillo on July 23rd. We met up with my Nanny and PawPaw (my mom's parents). We then hit the road on Thursday for a very long trip. Our main destination was South Dakota for RC's 10 year class reunion. We drove through 13 states in 10 days. I will write a post on this trip later. (RC is bugging me because we need to go to the store.) Then when we got back to Amarillo we stayed there for another week. My cousin Alisha graduated from college so we celebrated with her!! I am so incredibly proud of her.
Anyhow life has been settling in. Kailey is growing like a weed. I can't believe that she will be 9 months on Monday. She is crawling all over the place. You cannot keep her from going wherever she wants. She also has started pulling up on things. For those of you who cares she still will NOT take a bottle. She doesn't eat baby food. She nurses and eats whatever we happen to be eating. Talk about stubborn. This morning I pulled out a yellow outfit for her and she hits it out of my hand and squeals. I then pull out a blue outfit and again she did the same. Just to check to see if she was just being a pain I pulled out a pink outfit and she grabbed it and just giggled. Can you believe she is already starting this? Wow I am in for a real ride. Don't get me wrong she has definitely grabbed my heart. I love having a little girl.
I promise pictures later because like I said RC is bugging me to go to the store. I will also give you details of our trip. Here is one picture for the road....
It's about time! lol Great pic!
I promised to post pictures this weekend so maybe.......you can too. Some close ups of the kids...especially Kailey's award winning smile!
Do you realize you have only been at the house 30 days of the 61 days since you left Tampa....... that is CRAZY! You move to a new house to spend over 1/2 your time gone. (I know the big long travel days are gone.....school starting and your stuck at home hehehe)
I love the pic, I love having y'all close by. And we expecially enjoyed y'alls visit last night. Love you
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