Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Fill-ins

Okay yes I get that people are tired of only seeing Friday Fill-ins and no updates. For those people I ask you to bare with me. I am having a hard time trying to get my thoughts in to a logical post. So with that said its now time for the Friday fill-ins.

To participate go to

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to __jump out of a perfectly good airplane___!
2. __Trace's preschool graduation yesterday___ reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my __God (without him I would be useless)___.
4. __A one hour massage___ and __a mud bath___ are two things I'd like to try. (Yeah I get I'm not very adventurous.)
5. When life hands you lemons __give them back___.
6. __Family time___ is my favorite childhood memory.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __packing___, tomorrow my plans include __birthday party and more packing___ and Sunday, I want to _go to church, go swimming and then go to the going away party some friends have planned for us____!


OMH said...

Your weekend looks suspicously like mine......hmmmmm

You mean you want go SkyDiving with me?

Janet said...

massage and mud bath sounds like fun to me! Thanks for playing!