Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day Pics...

Here are some pictures taken on Mother's Day. Yes I know I probably should have posted them sooner but as I said in the Friday Fill ins section I am just having a hard time organizing my thoughts. So instead of organizing I'll just post some sweet pictures.

This first one is of my Ladybug! Isn't she so sweet. There is so much material to that dress she constantly had it pulled up using it as a blanket to hang on to.Here's Ladybug again. Wow what a sweet sweet smile she has. She lights up the entire room when she graces you with a smile. Okay you can ask anyone from here that when I say graces I mean graces. She may decide one minute you are worthy of her smile and the next she gives you this look of Oh you think I should smile at you yeah well NO!
On Mother's day we went to our church to see the baby dedication. Then we went to second service over at my MIL's church (the church RC grew up in.) We then went to the in laws for lunch and hung out over there for a while. When we got home I was pretty tired. Here I was laying on the floor taking pictures of my Ladybug and decided to just play. I actually like this picture, which as many of you know I normally don't like any picture that has me in it.
Another one of those priceless grins from my Ladybug!!!
Here is one of the sweetest pictures I have of my boys. I wasn't the only one pretty pooped by the time we got home. Here's the crew hanging out watching tv in the boys room. I love capturing moments like these. You get to see the little moments that mean the world to you! You don't always have to have the posed pictures sometimes its the "Kodak moments" that are the most special!!!!

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